Monday, September 20, 2010

Strangest Sunday

Somehow, this Sunday turned out to be one of the most eventful days/nights of my life. It started out like any normal Sunday....

8:00 am -- Alarm goes off for church
9:00 am -- I wake up for church :)
11:00 am -- Church (which was good, I met a few people and got sustained for my new calling of being on the Communications Committee/Ward Photographer...and just normal churchy things)
2:30 pm -- I get set apart by the bishop
2:45 pm -- I sit down to watch the Goofy Movie with Jenna
2:27 pm -- I discover my sandwich maker is broken, and I laugh heartily at the culprits
2:30 pm -- I use said sandwich maker anyways, and enjoy some grilled cheese sandwiches while watching the movie
4:00 pm - 5:30 pm -- I take a much-needed Sunday nap
7:30 pm -- Jenna and I go to ward prayer, where I meet a few more people
7:45 pm -- We go over to one of the boys' dorms with a big group of people to watch a movie...which turned out to be the Swan Princess, much to my delight. We also ate from their never-ending bag of popcorn. (Seriously, this bag is like those big black leaf bags. Huge.)
10:00 pm -- We look out the window and see all these cop cars on the road by Heritage, so we decide to walk down there and see what all the commotion is...turns out two girls from Heritage were hit by a car, and they may be fatalities. We still don't know details as far as who they were or if they're ok... But the cops were there from around 9:30 until about 11. We then decide to go tunnel singing, since we're over there anyways.

Now here's where the night got interesting.

11:00 pm -- Jenna and I get back to the apartment and plop down in Sophie and Nikole's room. (Sophie's already in there.) Nikole walks in, obviously upset. Apparently a CERTAIN roommate (who, for these purposes, will be called Sally) was uncomfortable with the fact that Nikole occasionally spends the night at a friend's house, so she went right ahead and talked to our RA to "see if it was against the Honor Code" without even talking to Nikole about it first!! (And just to clarify, Nikole and a group of her best friends have been having sleepovers with each other for years at this house, and yes, there are a couple males involved. They do everything together...they even formed a band a few weeks ago :) But she never knew this was against the Honor Code because she wasn't doing bad things or even doing it on campus. Just a group of besties hanging out at someone's house.) So the RA went to the Head RA, and they're going to talk to the Honor Code office about it. This is worse than it sounds. The Honor Code people take their job very seriously, and if they feel the Honor Code is being broken, serious measures will be taken. Nikole could very easily lose her scholarship, and if worse comes to worse, she could even be kicked out of the school. At the very least, she's going to have to deal with interrogations from all sorts of people (RA, Honor Code, etc.) But seriously. Sally couldn't have just said something like, "Hey, I'm kind of uncomfortable with you sleeping over there" ? It would've fixed everything! But no. She had to make a huge deal out of it. And it's putting a lot of stress on Nikole.

Anywho, we're sitting there talking about it, and we decide we need to get away from our two psychotic roommates. So Nikole, Sophie, Jenna and I grab our wallets and shoes, lock our doors, and walk out of the apartment.

11:20 pm -- We decide to go to Chase's apartment (Sophie's brother) in Orem to go vent and relax a little bit. We get over there and tell him the story and all of the things that are driving us crazy and he helps bring a little sanity into our lives. Thank you Chase.
12:20 am -- We walk out into the parking lot of Chase's apartment buildings, and we see this car in the road right behind the trunk of ours. We don't think much of it, and start to get in our car. However, a guy gets out of said car, and says, "Is this your car?"
Us: "Yes, sir!"
Guy: "Oh. Well, it just got a boot put on it."
Us: ".........*nervous giggles*...Seriously?"
Guy: "Yeah."
Us: " WHY?!!??!"
Apparently it's a permit-required parking lot, but WE didn't know this because 1, the sign was hidden behind a tree; 2, it was midnight so we weren't really thinking about it; and 3, No one ever told us this bit of information!! The dude was actually pretty nice about it, but it still cost $50.00 to get the dang boot off the car. And like good roommates, we decided to split it 4 ways instead of making poor Nikole pay the whole thing. And the most ironic part? We all told him "thank you" as we got back into our car, all $12.50 poorer. Now, I know what you're thinking. You're thinking, "Wow, this has been one crazy day! Could it get any better??" Just wait. It does.

1:00 am -- We all decide that we're hungry, dang it all, and since it is now Monday, we drive over to Denny's to eat. Thank goodness for cheap good food. We sit there and plot out pranks to pull and drown our sorrows in pancakes, quesadillas, and hot chocolate.
2:00 am -- We drive back to Heritage Halls, but because this is BYU, naturally there is nowhere to park!! After looking at all the different parking lots, we eventually have to go up to the conference center to find a parking spot. We park the car...AND THE KEY IS STUCK IN THE IGNITION!! We literally collapsed in the seats of the car, laughing our faces off, because seriously?! What else could go wrong?! Finally, we manage to get it out and begin the long walk back to our apartment, entertained by Sophie's imitation of a black man.
2:30 am -- I go to bed.

And all I wanted was to go to bed on time for once.

Gotta love college. I love my roommates!! :)

1 comment:

  1. great memory! Hope things go ok for Nikole - I'm glad no one did that to me - since I did that once too (I'll have to tell you the story sometime). Now get some sleep tonight :)
