Friday, September 10, 2010

Life at the Y

So here I am, sitting in my roommates' me and Sophie update our blogs and Nikole works on her new videogame. (Which features pineapples, skeletons, and demon hamburgers that will viciously send you back to the start if you touch one.)
We've been having a grand old time here at BYU, rife with adventure and mystery. For instance, tonight we needed to make something with chicken. So we stuck it in the frying pan, and poured whatever we could find from the kitchen onto it. White wine vinegar, garlic salt, parsley, butter, onions, etc. Then we mixed it with good old Parmesan Pasta Roni and viola! Good Food! And then, just to spice things up, we got some Strawberry Mango Crystal Lite, and put random juices from the fridge into it, like apple, orange, and something else that I forgot. Drat. But it was de-lish. Oprah should have us on her show for Top 10 College Recipes.
Also, my roomies and I went and saw Eclipse at the dollar theater a couple nights ago. While Sophie stared intently at the screen, Nikole, Jenna and I laughed until our abdomens were sore. Great fun.

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