Saturday, March 27, 2010

Festival of Colors

Me and my best friend at the Festival of Colors at the Hare Krishna temple (aka the llama temple) in Spanish Fork. My scalp and ears are green, my arms are pink, and I have purple snot. I plan to attend this every year for the rest of my life. :) PARTY!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Quote of the Day

I decided to also to a Quote of the Day for every day I post something.

"My cat really likes to lay on the table, no matter what we do. Moving her, spraying water on her, nothing seems to work. Today I pulled out my lightsaber and as soon as my cat saw it, she fled. It's good to know that even my cat respects the power of The Force. MLIA"

(Note: In case you didn't notice, my blog title is stolen from a website called Its a website where people post stuff that happens to them in their lives, and its pretty funny.)

Hypnotist Show

So this last weekend, I went to a hypnotist show that featured the Hypno Hick. It was super fun and super hilarious!

First Day!

Hello world. I decided I'm getting rather sick of facebook, and I decided to see whats the deal with blogging. So here goes!