Wednesday, December 8, 2010

All Moved In!

Well, I'm finally all moved into Fox Hall! My new roommates are really nice and so far it seems like things will work MUCH better than with certain other roommates. Their names are: Rachel (my roommate), Morgan, Bekah, Kalee, and Keturah. They also definitely seem to be better unified (for lack of a better word) as a dorm; they have Girl's Night every Monday after FHE and they do a lot of stuff together. For tonight's Girl's Night, we're having a fondue party: Kalee is bringing the chocolate and the rest of us are each supplying something to dip in it!

On Sunday we went for a walk up to the temple (Keturah didn't come) since it was such a beautiful day outside. It was a good chance for me to get to know some of them better and to just talk!

Rachel, Morgan, Bekah, Myself, and Kalee

On another note, finals are this week...which is pretty scary. I have five to take, and I've gotten two out of the way so far! But after Thursday I don't have to worry about school again until January...praise Allah :)

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Movin Out

Welp, I'm movin out. Again. But here's the kicker: So are three of my other roommates.

You remember the whole deal with Amy and Holly? That's escalated into a whole new world of madness. Before they kinda just bugged, ya know...but it quickly became clear that things are just NOT going to work with those girls. So we had a meeting with them about a month ago, asking them if they could swap someone else, (cause it's obviously less work) and they refused. I don't really want to type out the whole story, since there aren't very many of you readers anways, and two already know the story. (Family people, I'll tell you all about it in person.) So, LONG story short, we (Nikole, Sophie, Jenna, and I) all decided to move out. Sadly, we are all going our separate ways. We're leaving our new ward, new neighbors, and new friends, and each other, for - hopefully - greener pastures. And less drama.

How lame.

Anywho, I will now be living in 46 Fox Hall, where I happen to have a bunch of friends in the ward. I hear the girls in the apartment are really nice, which is good, and quite honestly even if they're not, I don't know if they could be much worse than the situation I was in.

Anywho, just thought I'd mention it. Yay.