Wednesday, September 15, 2010

My weekend...and the few days following

Let's start with Friday, shall we? After class and work and such, me and my roommates Nikole and Sophie went to the mall to do a little shopping. (Sophie also wanted to get her eyebrows waxed, which she did, but that's besides the point.) We didn't really end up buying anything, but it was fun to wander around the mall and look at the ridiculous things that people put on sale...for, example, these shoes in the picture below. They have frilly little lace socks attached...not very flattering.

So we get back to the dorm, and we start to get ready for a dance that was happening at 9. (It was only 7 o'clock.) However, 8:15 rolled around, and with it came a wave of laziness and cravings for junk food. Nikole muttered something about "why can't we just stay home and make brownies or something?" which elicited the first "GIRLS NIIIIGHT IIINNNNN!!!" from Sophie. This phrase was repeated at increasingly louder intervals throughout the night. Jenna decided not to conform, and went to the dance anyway, but Sophie, Nikole and I got into sweats, made brownies, and watched a chick flick.

Nikole, Jenna, Sophie, and myself

All right, on to Saturday. After staying up until around 3 the night before, I woke up relatively early to go to Denny's with Kassie and a couple guys from Virginia that she knew. (By the way, Denny's is great for a cheap breakfast! Only 2 dollars!) So we did that, and right after we left, Kassie's friend Parker called her up and wanted to know if we wanted to come with him to Costco to go get samples. We figured we had nothing else to do, so we agreed. We Costco-d it up until around 2, then went back to our dorms to do our own thing for a while. Later that night, Me, Kassie, a friend named Scott, and some other friends all went to Comedy Sportz. Little did we know the surprise we were in for! As we walked up to the door, Kassie punched me in the side and said, "Is that KIRBY??" I looked up, and there he was, in all his glory, Kirby Heybourne. He was a guest star for the night. Also, while we were sitting in the room, we also noticed that the guy sitting a row over looked suspiciously like the mission president guy from the Best Two Years. Me and Scott made a bet on if he was or not (me betting against), so we went and asked him, and sure enough, it was! I owe Scott ice cream. Anyway, it was a hilarious show, we met Mormon celebrities, and we played night games after! Not bad for a Saturday's work!

Kassie, Kirby, and myself

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