Friday, November 19, 2010


In college, you can't do very much of it.

However, I have learned a little tidbit of information about myself. I write my best essays when I leave them until the last minute. For some reason, I can whip those bad boys out so fast when I'm freaking out cause they're due the next morning. But they aren't crappy essays, oh no. They turn out better than if I spend all day on them.

Also, its definitely less stressful to do it this way. When I leave essays until the last minute, I don't have time to get distracted and I'm in the zone, so I'm completely focused on the essay and nothin is gonna stop me from finishing it. But if I start it earlier, then I spend hours and hours focusing and re-focusing on the task ahead, and not getting anywhere.

Like last night for example. I completely forgot that I had an essay due the next morning for American Heritage until I got off work yesterday. I came home, and what did I do? I got dinner with Kassie, went to Despicable Me with some peeps from my ward, took a shower, and watched an episode of the Office....all before starting my essay. I then started my essay at about 1:30 in the morning, and was done by 2. And it's a DANG good essay. I re-read it this morning, made a few corrections, and patted myself on the back for a job well-done and an evening well-spent.

Just sayin.

Also, I would like to make the clarification that this method does NOT work for any other type of homework. All other homework I have to finish in advance. This only works for essays.

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