Thursday, October 28, 2010

The Little Joys of College

There are many things I enjoy about college and being on my own. Though the big parties and changes are great, moving out has brought me to love and appreciate several little things in the college life. For example....

1. Frozen Grapes
This wonderful snack was introduced to me by my dear friend Davi, who was introduced to them by her dear roommate Rachel, who probably was introduced to them by her mom, and so forth. I am now happily addicted, as it is a cheap food that is good for you and yummy!!! WOOT!

Oh my goodness. Naps. I love them. I would die without them. Being a college student gives you the WEIRDEST sleep we often take naps in between classes and during any free time we have. It's how we roll. We fall asleep anytime, anywhere. We're pretty much pros at falling asleep in random places, just to catch a few winks.

Also, that picture cracks me up every time :)

3. Laptops
This one is pretty much just a shout-out to my parents, for getting me this fabulous laptop....I wouldn't survive without it. Basically...if you don't have one in college you will end up living at the library because all assignments and some quizzes and such are online. Plus we have a bajillion papers to write. Just sayin. So thanks, mom and dad!

4. Good Roommates
They are so nice to have. It's great that we get along so well and we talk about anything and everything. We also are absolutely goofy...for instance: last night we cranked up the soundtrack from Wicked and sang the songs at the top of our lungs while Nikole ran around with a popcorn bowl on her head. I love them.

5. Redecorating...whenever and however we want!
So a couple days ago, the roomies went to DI to go buy stuff for our apartment (I was at work, so I couldn't go) but they ended up getting some posters for our drab little kitchen. We then spent a few hours rearranging the furniture and putting up ridiculous posters. Our very favorite is a poster that stretches from the floor to the ceiling, of Karl Malone...and it has a ruler on the side so you can see how tall you are. Karl is now our mascot, and guests must salute him when leaving our apartment.

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